The History Of Design

Sometimes you might want to use an image as a background and that’s totally cool. If you want to feature text over the top, consider adding a lighter or darker overlay to the image so the words are easy to read.

August 9, 2017 by fbhayangkara

And you’d think in today’s social world, designers would be open to working with new brands. Sadly, that’s not the case. A few years ago, I reached out to an up-and-coming jewelry brand based in Paris and I was immediately turned down because they “didn’t want to participate in my first issue.” Clearly they didn’t read my email, because I was working on producing my eighth issue. Not sure how this behavior will change, but for me it came with time and by building the brand’s presence and consistent style that readers and PR companies can immediately recognize.

The first two issues were pure experiments, since it was my first try at editorial design.

A continued challenge is breaking into the fashion industry. I like the feeling of being on the “outshirts” of the industry, but when I’m looking to feature a designer or pull clothes from a designer’s collection, their team not being familiar with TWO Newspaper causes them to pull away from collaborating.

Again, it’s all about who you know in the fashion industry. I’ve worked closely with a fashion director for my designer features over the past couple years, and she is the reason I’ve had access to interviewing Zeeshan Nomad, the creative director of Creative Nomad and Diana Moon. You have to have a connection to step into their world.

All of those big next steps have always been in my mind, and I’d love to take it there one day. But I focus on the now, my full-time job and my happiness, sustaining a comfortable balance between work and life. Running this on my own has placed more weight on my shoulders as the community and following continues to grow. But I stay true to what I can handle and continue to publish beautiful images by talented photographers.

I don’t work with a printer, or stock in any bookstores and magazine bodegas, mostly because I don’t have the time and money to tackle that on my own.


Fashion has become one of the main pools of content saturating the Instagram universe. I think I launched the magazine on Instagram at the right moment. But it has also taken time to get the following to where it is now, and I never rushed to get the numbers up like others I know have. But as we know, Instagram isn’t a perfect place. The algorithm may sometime cause issues, but there’s not much you can do other than staying consistent to your posting ritual.