Ina Tobani is one of the traditional craftsmen in Kulawi Village, located in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. She is known for her expertise in making traditional clothing from tree bark, a craft that has been passed down from generation to generation in the area. Kulawi itself has a very rich culture, and making clothes from tree bark is one of the traditions that is still preserved to this day.
The process of making clothes from tree bark requires high patience and skill. Ina Tobani starts by processing the bark of certain trees, such as the waru tree or rumbia tree, whose bark has strong and durable fibers. The bark is first peeled, then soaked in water to make it softer and more flexible. After that, Ina will pound the bark using traditional tools, so that the texture becomes smoother and can be easily shaped.
After the pounding process, the bark is cut according to the desired pattern, then sewn by hand to assemble the pieces into clothing. The end result is unique clothing, with a distinctive and strong appearance, but still light to wear. These bark clothes have functional and symbolic value, because in addition to being used in everyday life, these clothes are also often worn in traditional events and ceremonies.